Celebrating World Cocktail Day in Lausanne

You should never need an excuse to have a cocktail, but today we really do have one – it’s World Cocktail Day! To celebrate, we’ve asked some of our favorite Lausanne establishments to share their hand-crafted cocktail recipes with us

Le Vestibule – Randy’s Pick: ‘Mucho Kentucky’


25ml Bourbon (Bulleit Bourbon Frontier Whiskey)
25ml Tequila (Espolon Blanco)
20ml fresh lime juice
20ml fresh grapefruit juice
20ml simple syrup
Garnish: cucumber peel (or slice)


1. Put all ingredients in a shaker
2. Shake with ice
3. Double strain in a tumbler filled with ice
4. Add your garnish

Simple syrup: 50% water, 50% sugar (they use brown sugar, but both work)
Summer variation: you can top up your cocktail with a bit of ginger beer

Discover Le Vestibule

LCC – Bertrand’s Pick: ‘The Al Capone’

Created for the opening of the Comptoir bar in Lausanne in 2013 by Bertrand Tessier. 


4cl White Rum

2cl Coconut Rum

3cl Passion Puree 

2cl Lime Juice

4cl Pineapple Juice 

7/8 Basil Leaves 



  • In a shaker crushed 7/8 fresh basil leaves with white sugar.
  • Add liquid ingredients
  • Shake well and double strain into a martini glass.
  • Garnish with a basil.

Discover LCC

Eat Me – Lisa’s Pick: ‘Chillin’ In Calabria’


For their new menu they wanted to create a drink that was low alcohol by volume (ABV), and this crisp cocktail comes in at a cool ~14% (similar to a typical red wine).  The fresh citrus flavor comes from the homemade cordial of Bergamot, a fruit that is native to Calabria in Italy


40 cl Belsazar blanc

40 cl Lillet blanc

25 cordial of bergamot

Garnish: Mint

Optional: add one turn of your favorite pepper (we use a rare one called cubeb)


  • Mix everything in a shaker.
  • Shake and pour over ice.
  • To make the cordial (if you want to be really authentic) layer slices of bergamot with sugar and leave in an air-tight container for at least 2 weeks. Then remove the bergamot and save the liquid.

Discover Eat Me

Blackbird- Margaux’s Pick: ‘Spicy Mama’


4cl tequila reposado infused with jalapeños

2cl white mescal

6cl mango purée

Juice of 1 lime

Garnish: Jalapeno, Mango, Cayenne


  • Mix everything in a shaker.
  • Shake and pour over crushed ice.
  • To garnish, dip the rim of the glass into a mixture of cayenne pepper and salt, and top with sliced jalapeno’s and mango.

Discover Blackbird

LEGRAM- Paul’s Pick: ‘Paul’s Negroni’


Paul loves a Negroni, so he created one that fits his sweet tooth and uses a Gin made by friends. This Negroni is great for people who are not so fond of the bitterness from Campari, it’s a sweeter, more floral version for the Summer terrace


3cl Tempus Gugit Gran Classico

3cl Carpano Antica Formula 

3cl Geneva Dry Gin

Garnish: Orange Twist 


  • Pour equal measures into a glass with ice.
  • Stir until you feel the liquid loosen up.
  • Add more ice, garnish and enjoy!

Discover LEGRAM

Which cocktail will you try to celebrate World Cocktail Day?

7 Unique Cocktail Bars to Suit Every Occasion

Free from restrictions and ready to party? Here are 7 unique cocktail bars to help you kick off the “20s” in style.

Check it out

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