Where to shop in Lausanne: La Mise En Bière

**La Mise En Bière has moved (but not too far!)–check out the updated address below**

It doesn’t look like much from the street. In fact, you can pass the shop without really knowing it’s there (and it took me quite some time to find it, even with my I-phone navigating me). Above the doorway hangs a sign that reads, ‘Tailleur’—something that has no doubt misled several passersby. But if you do discover this shop, you will immediately succumb to its charm…and the hundreds of bottles of beer you desperately want to try.

Claude is a man who knows what he loves. He always loved beer, but pragmatism steered him toward a 9-5 job in an office with cubicles and a boss. Sound familiar? It wasn’t until last year that he decided to ditch the corporate scene and join forces with his friend Daniel, the founder of La Mise En Bière. And both he and we are so glad he did.

His eyes light up as he recounts his early connections to beer–it all began with a man named Jérôme Rebetez who lived in the same small area of the Swiss Jura. Claude had a fascination with Rebetez (who went from brewing small batches of beer in his parents’ kitchen to winning international awards), and carries with him a sense of pride that such a small town in the Jura is now on the international beer map.  Rebetez now owns one of the most prestigious breweries in Switzerland called BFM, which brews the infamous L’Abbaye de Saint Bon-Chien, a unique sour ale which uses wine yeast in the fermentation process. This beer, which is at the top of Claude’s ‘favorite picks’, was featured in the New York Times.

Claude has several ‘favorite picks’…but in a store with literally 350-450 different varieties of beer, you can’t blame the guy. From sour to sweet, hoppy to malty, soft carbonation to spritzy, rich or light, thick or thin, slick, creamy, velvety, subtle…it’s all there, right at your fingertips. But undeniably one of our favorite things about Mise en Bière is the shop’s relationship with local breweries. Who knew there were so many talented brewers in and around Lausanne? From our friends over at Docteur Gab’s to Les Faiseurs de Bière, Trois Dames, and Brasserie des Franches-Montagnes, there is so much to discover and appreciate.

So if you haven’t already, pay Claude and Daniel a visit at La Mise En Bière where you won’t only be swept away by the sheer volume of beer, but by the shopkeeper’s genuine love for the craft.

*Update: Great news! Since writing this article, the guys at La Mise En Bière have opened up a bar connected to their shop! The hours of the bar are as follows:

Horaires du bar: 

  • ma – ve 15:00 – 22:00
  • sa: 11:00 – 22:00
  • di: 16:00 – 22:00

La Mise En Biére


Rue de la Tour 14, 1004 Lausanne


021 311 39 12


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Cover photo by: Jakob Kouladjian-Seiler

1 thought on “Where to shop in Lausanne: La Mise En Bière”

  1. Love your blog, thanks for helping us discover so many great things about Lausanne. Fantastic work. Not to be an annoying stickler, but the store is called 'La Mise en Bière' (not Mis en Bière). A mise en bière is a 'bier' in english. A bier is a stand on which a corpse, coffin, or casket containing a corpse, is placed to lie in state or to be carried to the grave. have a great weekend

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