The Capsule Closet

When our friend Steph told us that she was downsizing her wardrobe to become a “capsule closet” we must admit that there may have been a few eye rolls. It seemed slightly drastic to get rid of almost your entire wardrobe in exchange for such a limited [and dare we say boring?] closet. But then Steph did it. And we noticed how put-together and at ease she was at every.single.function. Fast forward a few months, and now we’re all converted believers in the capsule closet. Here are a few photos of Steph’s current capsule, and some guidelines if you want to start one too:

What is the capsule closet? It isn’t a new idea by any means. In fact my mother-in-law has had a capsule closet for over 30 years, only she calls her items “units” instead of “staples”,  huge fashion houses such as Donna Karen have been using this concept since the 80s, and fashion bloggers and celebrities use this concept in response to the wastefulness of ‘fast fashion’. We would like to claim that our strong sense of moral conviction against consumerism was what prompted us, but in reality, it was the simplicity and minimalism that hooked us.
Accessories aren’t included in your 37 item limit, but choosing versatile and timeless accessories will make for a more effective capsule closet.
T-shirts will become your best friend in a capsule closet. But not just any t-shirt–opt for high quality, well-fitted ones that can be worn both tucked in and untucked. Steph is wearing a Freitag tee (which is so soft) that is biodegradable(!). Now that brings minimalism and waste-lessness to a whole new level!
Do you ever open up your closet and just stare for a good ten minutes only to pick out the same outfits repeatedly? If you are anything like us, you probably only wear about 25% of the clothes in your closet, and the rest just sit there making their way to the bottom of your drawers until the end of the season when they will be put away in storage to wait for another year of being unworn. This is where the capsule closet comes in. Around 37 pieces per season (including shoes), thoughtfully chosen to work together, be worn in multiple ways, and be of a certain quality to last multiple seasons. That’s it.
We found this blog particularly useful when we started the process, but now it’s like second-nature. And in all honesty, we have lost the urge to shop, it takes us less than 5 minutes to get dressed every day, and we have clean, uncluttered closets!
A chambray shirt is a must. It works with multiple outfits, can be worn casually or dressed up, and can be used for layering. It’s also multi-seasonal.
A soft jersey black dress is always a good idea, and can also be worn multiple ways (and in multiple seasons).
We are obsessed with Steph’s overalls. Paired with a leopard print flat, it is a perfect combination of casual and chic.

Thank you Steph for not only converting us, but for giving us a peek into your current capsule! And thanks to our buddy Gabriel for indulging three ladies on a Saturday afternoon with this photo shoot 🙂

What about you? Would you ever consider a capsule closet? Do you have tips on how you maintain a minimalist wardrobe?

Shop the Story

Denim Shirt/Chambray: This one.
Black jeans: We love the look of these.
White Tee: This one is simple in all the right ways.
Black Tee: This soft Freitag one (which we own and love).
Overalls: These classic ones or these trendier ones.
Black Jersey Dress: This one could transition from fall to winter.
Leopard Flats: We love these ones.
Black Booties: We saw these in Geneva last week and fell in love.

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