Photo by Balélec Festival
What an incredible weekend we had! The 20km de Lausanne brought forth renewed energy and a spirit of community that we haven’t felt in a long time. This week, we’re still feeling the buzz as we enter into a gorgeous sunny spring forecast and plenty of events to keep our energy going strong. Get out your social calendars and add some of these events to your list:
- Zero Waste: work, holidays & gifts – a Zero Waste Switzerland workshop hosted by restaurant Äta; tips, easy swaps, and everyday solutions to help you use up the food we would typically toss aside.
- On Wednesday afternoon you can lend a green hand to La Grenette’s gardening projects.
- Join Jen Kirwin & friends for a fun night of stand-up comedy in English at ABC Comedy Club.
- Every Thursday morning vinyasa yoga on the deck of Jetée de la Compagnie.
- How do you make flower arrangements for Mother’s Day?
Join a floral workshop at Royal Bloom. - Zero Waste: Cosmetics, Cleaning & Clothing. Part of a series of workshops from Zero Waste Switzerland in Lausanne: easy tips, swaps, and resources to get started. If you want to read more about local sustainable living options in Lausanne, check out our recent article Waste Not, Want Not.
- Gin-To’ Fridays at Brassierie de Montbenon with more than 20 Swiss gins on the menu.
- 40th Festival Balélec
- ATTO project presents a 2-day vernissage at l’Espace Amaretto, with a local and international line up of musicians to entertain guests.
- The International Ocean Film Tour Vol.8 is coming to town on Saturday.
- How about starting your Sunday with a dynamic & creative class of vinyasa yoga in the park?
- A Hummus & Wine live concert session featuring Duck Duck Grey Duck & Guillaume Potterat at Domaine Potterat (Cully).
Have an event to share?
You can submit your event directly on our site!
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