When we first walked into Flying Tiger Copenhagen we were greeted with stacks of boxes everywhere; employees rushing around stocking their shelves with salt shakers and skateboards and mini easels with paint. We thought for a second it may have been a mistake: were they indeed open to the public? But it was no mistake–it was as if Lausanne’s eagerness for a store of this kind trumped any opening day etiquette. And we were totally ok with that.
Flying Tiger Copenhagen is a store originally from…you guessed it…Denmark, which specializes in little trinkets, deco, gifts, toys, and crafts. Picture all the best parts of IKEA condensed into one amazing little shop, with prices that are competitive to IKEA as well.
We will admit, there are plenty of items in the store for which we would never find any use (an artificial pond with plastic fish and a fishing pole meant to be used from your toilet whilst doing your business? Right. I think we’re good), but there are many treasures as well–especially for kids! A mini dinosaur excavation kit with a chisel and brush that kept our 3 year old busy for two days, DIY masks and paper dolls, seeds and pots for spring, beads and knitting kits, coloring books and crowns, skateboards and surprisingly sturdy headphones.
We will definitely be checking back soon, as it seems their stock changes quite frequently (we will make our Easter baskets using things from Tiger this year for sure!). An equivalent of a “dollar store” with higher quality and Danish design?
Yep. We’ll take it.
Flying Tiger Copenhagen
Rue de Terreaux 7, 1003 Lausanne (near Bel-Air Tower)
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