Whimsical, practical, charming, playful. From hand-crocheted dolls and superhero cape kits to designer cribs and Swiss branded clothing, it’s all there and ready to be yours.
More information here.
From wooden to plastic, Barbies to Hot Wheels, and everything in between, this multistory toy store is sure to have what it is you’re looking for. The stroller-accesible entrance is just behind, near Tribeca.
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This place isn’t the most stroller/pram friendly (oh, the irony), but its multistory building with narrow aisles and steep staircases is over-flowing with every type of toy imaginable, and kind of reminds us of a place that would provide inspiration for a Lemony Snicket novel.
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For classic and quaint and some quintessential Swiss, go to Marelle. The wooden toys in the display window are enough to make your mouth drool (and your wallet thin out a bit). Even if you’re not in the market for a children’s toy, this boutique is worth a peruse, even just to admire the beauty found on its shelves.
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The clothing is exactly as it should be for a child: bright colors, bold patterns, and whimsical characters+phrases make it fun to dress your littles. And the reasonable prices (especially during the soldes) will make it easier to do so.
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De la suite dans les idées
Walk in and go straight to the back (if you can resist browsing all of their other fun objects) and you’ll find a room devoted to your littles. They carry brightly colored patterned sleep sacks, gorgeous fabrics, blankets, capes, vintage inspired toys, and one of our favorite French brand of early walking sock/shoes.
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Other favorites:
Globus toy section
Payot Bookstore
FNAC Toys & Books
Little Mooshoo
Do you have any stores that should be added to the list?
Vivishop!!! Best kids toys store in town
I agree with Agnès, Vivishop is our favorite !
Great to know! I've passed it a few times but never went in. Will check it out! Thank you!
These beanbags may not look like the usual chairs but it can easily be manipulated for different purposes and can be used as a bed or as a lounge chair. It can relax and release the stress of anyone who sits on it. Furthermore, it is light in weight and no extra effort is needed to move it around the house or if to be transported somewhere. This is perfect if you want to change your residence for it is easy to pack and saves a lot of space in the vehicle.find more