Last year we shared the exciting news that Aesop had finally come to Lausanne by way of a corner in the Globus cosmetics department. Now you can follow your nose to their newest address on Rue Saint Laurent. The boutique may be tiny, but we’ll take it! We’ve long been fans of this Australian cosmetic brand for its luxurious products, stunning scents and—let’s be superficial for a moment—gorgeous packaging.
We’re currently using the Parsley Seed line and loving the new anti-oxidant moisturizing cream. It’s thick and nourishing – perfect for the cooler weather to come.
If you aren’t already familiar with Aesop, stop in the boutique and check it out. They’ll talk to you about your skin, make some product recommendations and send you home with a few samples to try.
Or you could just pretend to look at a serum while taking the opportunity to inhale that fabulous smell. Whatever floats your boat.
Welcome Aesop! We’re glad you’re here.
Rue Saint Laurent 6