Photos & article by Kerrin Rousset
A medieval village surrounded by almost 900 year old vineyards, the mountains and the pristine
waters of Lac Léman…. sounds a bit too good to be true, right ?! Well once you arrive in Lutry, and
you start to wander the storybook cobblestone streets, or stroll past the beautiful, neat harbor, with
swans, optimists and SUPs gliding by, you realize that in person, it’s still hard to believe it’s real.
It should be said that Lutry is officially a “city” now, having over 10,000 inhabitants. And over the past few years, it’s seen an explosion of shop openings and cultural happenings, thanks to associations like J’aime Lutry, Festi’Lu, and the SDL (Société de Développement de Lutry). So whether it’s the wine, food, art, or lacustrine scene you’re interested in, there’s something for you in Lutry!
©Kerrin Rousset
Where to start ? With caffeine, of course. You may have first become familiar with the popular coffee truck at Place de la Riponne, but Rush is now a mainstay on the Grand-Rue since February 2019. Take an iced matcha latte or an iced chai latte made with 100% pure organic Happy Maple syrup to go, and you’ll get the day started in the best way possible.
And if it’s Saturday, you’re in luck. Market day in Lutry! Fruits and vegetables of course, cheeses too, a mobile library, as well as an eclectic array of artisans showing their wares – from straw hats to the delicious taillés (100% Vaudois !) by Ça Rûpe. And each Saturday, a different winemaker from the region is there to share his or her passion with market goers, as well as share a glass, but of course !
Taking even a short walk around the picturesque village is worth it to witness Lutry’s medieval past, including the Château, the Temple and the Bourg-Neuf Tower. Wander around and finish on la Grand-Rue at number 23 at the Caveau des Vignerons for a taste of the region before lunch. Sit outside on the shaded cobblestone street, and sip a glass of Chasselas from one of over 20 local producers, including Ludovic Paschoud who works entirely without synthetic products.
©Kerrin Rousset
Staying on the main street will give you plenty of options for gathering a delicious picnic to take to the lake (after an obligatory dip!). Because where else would you want to be on a hot, sunny summer day?! Head to Lutry Nature’s sister shop, Lutry Vrac, which recently opened in May. On a veranda in the back of the shop, you’ll find beautiful, colorful salads from Wøff – World øf Fresh Food. Add a fresh bread from Le Pain des Frouzes or a bag of crackers from Ma Fabrik, and a bottle of artisanal syrup from La Suisserie (mmm, rhubarb !). And fear not, Sweet Lutry cookies and Baked by Sarah pastries will return at the end of August! (As will another personal favorite, the Greek épicerie, Ygrec. Matthieu is on summer break, but will reopen with all sorts of new, fresh ideas.)
©Kerrin Rousset
You’ve learned about this wine-growing region, you’ve swirled and sipped…now hop on the Lavaux Express, the ever-popular green and yellow train that meanders through the Bourg and very slowly snakes its way up up up through the vineyards. Views are simply spectacular, and glasses of grape juice at the halfway break will certainly be the highlight for your little ones!
Apéro time. Spritz, of course! Whether at La Buvette de la Plage , La Terrasse, or on the terrace of the Hotel Le Rivage, Lutriens’ summer choice is this omnipresent bright orange tipple.
©Kerrin Rousset
Dinner in Lutry means perch! Sit outside at Café de la Poste for filets and fries. You’ll be a stone’s throw from the lake, overlooking the evening bustle of people walking to and from the beach.
Grab an ice cream from L’Artisan Glacier at the Point “i” at the port (dark chocolate sorbet a personal favorite) and take in a concert on the Quai (all summer long, Thursday and Friday nights, starting at 8 pm). Or walk a bit further towards Paudex, and see the newest exciting additions to the lakefront. For the late-night crowd, the Isle of Paradise, a temporary floating resort, is open until midnight. You can watch the sunset over Lake Geneva on a deck chair, marveling at the light and colors that only add to the magic of Lutry.
Kerrin Rousset is the baker behind Sweet Lutry, infusing the village with her New York energy and artisanal cookies, while using the finest Swiss dark chocolate and wholesome ingredients. Shifting her focus from chocolate, since her popular Sweet Zürich tour was put on pandemic hiatus in early 2020, she juggles baking fresh cookies and schmoozing at the Lutry market, with running along the lake and preparing after-school snacks for her three children. Cookiemama, a nutritional powerhouse, is the newest addition to the lineup. It’s made with nursing mothers in mind, and is a delicious treat their husbands, children and friends will love too ! (Summer bonus: it’s both refreshing and addicting when eaten straight from the freezer !)