Les Jardins du Château de Vullierens 2017

**The competition is now closed – Congrats to winners Tonia, Emily Plank, Ysaline, Caroline Hansen, and Sandra**

It’s that time of year again when the Château de Vullierens opens up their gardens for the public to take in the wonder of 50,000 flowers on 4 hectares of gorgeous property. We say this every year, but these gardens hold such a special place in our yearly ritual of kicking off summer–it’s a beautiful way of letting go of the busyness of life, and getting lost in the calm of nature.

This year they gave a carte blanche to the Center of Contemporary Art in Yverdon-Les-Bains to outfit the different gardens with moving pieces–large installations found throughout the property; an alluring juxtaposition of nature-made and man-made. Twenty seven different artists have contributed to the gardens this year: each piece reflecting their idea of the landscape, using different forms and different materials.


Not only can you marvel as you pass through the six differently themed gardens, but stop by the cafe on your way out to enjoy some local fare en plein air. This year they have created an entirely new menu with a brand new chef, and have even redecorated. If you’re curious about our previous experiences, check out the time we went in 2014, 2015, or 2016 (yep, it’s a tradition!).

And now the best for last! If you’re keen to check out the gardens yourself, we are giving away a PAIR of tickets to FIVE lucky winners! Just leave a comment below telling us about your favorite flower 🙂 We will pick winners over the weekend and share them on Monday (just in time for the sunshine to return!). Good luck!

The gardens will be open from May 6 – June 18; more info can be found on their website
15CHF adults
Kids 11 and under free and 12-16 are 5 CHF
Every Monday 2 tickets for the price of one

Photos by www.regiscolombo.ch

38 thoughts on “Les Jardins du Château de Vullierens 2017”

  1. My favorite flower is the tulip. Loved to see the fields in Holland and biking through them. Also Keukenhof is magical! ????????????????????

    1. My favourite flower is the rose and I’d love to show these beautiful gardens to my mum who’s coming to visit me from Germany next week 🙂

  2. Hello ! My favourite flower is certainly lavender, I find the different shades of mauve gorgeous and the smell reminds me of my childhood summers in Provence.

  3. Love a lily! At our wedding, my bouquet was a simple one of pale dusty purple lilies. Just beautiful. Would love to visit the gardens – I never have.

  4. My favorite flower is Cosmos bipinnatus. Especially, when there is a field of Cosmos bipinnatus in full flower!

  5. Gerberas – because they are my mum’s favorite and make me think of her. Because they are round and balanced and they come in all sort of juicy full colours!

  6. Caroline Hansen

    How I can have lived in Switzerland for nearly four years without ever visiting or knowing about this place is beyond me, but it looks absolutely stunning and I would love to go! As for my favorite flower I would undoubtedly have to say the forget-me-not; the friendliest, most humble, yet “happy” wildflower I know. The small hillside behind the house where I grew up would be filled with them, hidden between the other wildflowers, and I remember incorporating them in little flower crowns my (unfortunate) younger brothers would have to wear. Such great memories!

  7. Tiger lillies! Their bright colors remind me of San Diego (my home town!) sunsets. Sitting on the beach watching the sun dip below the horizon and enjoy the gorgeous colors painted across the sky is one of my favorite things to do when I go back to visit.

  8. Thank you so much for this give away, it would be so nice to go with my mum as she loves Iris so much and we usually go there every year.
    My favorite flowers are peonies: they smell so good and look so strong and so fragile at the same time!


  9. My favorite flowers are tulips and iris. I only went once to Château de Vullierens and I would love to go again.

  10. Rachel Cunningham

    Mine is the Lilly, I love how minimalist it is and yet so utterly beautiful. It’s got class.

  11. Bonjour 🙂 A wild little bouquet of Forget-Me-Not, Myosotis was given to me by someone that no longer is in my life, and to this day it is still the most precious flower to me.. Thank you so much for a lovley blog. I find so much inspiraion from you!

  12. Peonies! I love that they start out small and kind of boring and then suddenly explode with bold, beautiful color!

  13. I can’t possibly have a favourite flower for I love them all! But my favourite flower for the month of May, my birth month, is the beautiful peony
    How kind to offer some free tickets to visit the beautiful gardens in Vullierens!

  14. Thanks for the article and the chance to win tickets to visit the jardin des iris in Vullierens. My favourite flowers are peonies.

  15. Lilies of the valley are probably my favorites! However, what could be better than a garden full of a great variety of pretty flowers? As a child I was always dreaming of having a garden like Claude Monet in Giverny. I guess I still haven’t completely given up on that dream…

  16. Like many others, I’ve got to hand it to the beaut flower that is the peony – to me they bring a sense of total calm and exude an understated elegance that makes them simply beautiful!

  17. One of my faves is Lantana. I love how tiny they are and how they vary in color. Another plus is that they remind me of my mom and the love for flowers we share 🙂

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