10 Ways to Beat the Winter Blues in Lausanne

Winters can be long, and for many, hitting the slopes each and every weekend can be tiresome or impractical. If you want a change in pace, or just looking for something entertaining and engaging, we’ve compiled 10 different ideas to beat the winter blues. Because who says long winters can’t also be fun?

Le Barbare – Hot Chocolate

An institution in Lausanne, this cute and cozy little café nestled under the cathedral finally reopened their doors at the end of last year. While the Barbare offers local wines and planchettes, as well as a lunch time plat du jour, it is most known for its decadent hot chocolate (order Marta’s style).

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le barbare hot chocolate lausanne

STEAM on the Water

If you’re dabbling in the idea of embracing winter by going all in (and by ‘all in’ we mean heading into the lake!) then you have to check out the new Finnish sauna over by La Tour de Peilz. On the Maladaire beachside, you can partake in all this little Nordic haven has to offer including a massage if you’d like.

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Hot Yoga in Lausanne

If stretching and manipulating your body in a 38-degree room sounds like a challenge you’re hoping to try, Yoga Flame, a Lausanne-based hot yoga studio has several classes for all levels.

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Go Bowling!

We know it’s an obvious one, but every time we go to Bowland in Lausanne Flon we have so.much.fun. There’s something about putting on those slightly musty shoes, ordering a beer and stale popcorn, and perfecting your strike pose. It’s a huge hit with the whole family

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Life Drawing

Did you know that every Tuesday from 2:30pm until 8pm there’s a large studio in Renens called L’Acade that hosts a life drawing for all levels? It’s not strictly an academic exercise – they encourage participants to draw freely and express themselves creatively. Curious? The first session is free.

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©L’Acade dessin

Go Walk a Dog

Love the idea of hanging out with dogs, but don’t have the capacity to bring one home? The Lausanne animal shelter offers a dog walking volunteer experience, where you can go occasionally to walk them on their grounds at their refuge. You must be quite serious if you’re interested though – completing training is required and it’s such a popular activity, there’s a waitlist!

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©Jordan Connor

Learn a new skill in the kitchen

Did you know that the École Club Migros right here in Lausanne offers a huge selection of classes that vary in terms of interest and skill level? Why not try out a few courses dedicated to cooking specifically and elevate your meal game? We’ve got our eye on:

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©Jonathan Borba

Become a wine expert…or drink with one

They say you have to put in around 10,000 hours to become an expert at something – and while we’d love to just sip away for the next 10 years, we think our time (and palates) would be better served if we left the wine tasting to the experts and learned a thing or two in an enjoyable setting.   Jean-Daniel and his team at Alfavin have organized wine tasting workshops featuring Spanish and Italian wines in their warm & welcoming cellar in Lonay near Morges.

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Get some agression out, tomahawk style

Whether you want to let off a little steam, just looking to acquire a new skill, or are looking for a fun and ‘different’ type of activity to do in Lausanne, why not try Axers? A series of games and animations are led by their team, ultimately leading you to aim for the bullseye. After your axe-throwing session, you can relax in their mezzanine with their pool tables, boards games, or try out some snacks and local drinks with a selection of over 20 beers.

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Knit and drink

Come and learn how to knit or improve your knitting skills while having a drink and some tapas. The apéro tricot is open to all, beginners to intermediates, and meet at Little Maille’s studio in Lausanne. For 35 francs, you get drinks and snacks, loaned materials, and personalized guidance while of course, meeting new friends

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knitting in lausanne together

©Little Maille

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